Guide DocArtis


Il fascino di Visso è costituito dall’architettura civile, militare e religiosa che ovunque testimonia le antiche vicende e il ruolo vitale avuto in passato, grazie soprattutto alla sua posizione geografica di passaggio obbligato per chi sulla via di Roma o dell’Adriatico transitava tra Camerino e Foligno.
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‘The enclosing walls of Visso, which stun for their imposure and efficient defensive capacity, were erected between 1210 -1256 around the first settlement which was known as Castel S. Giovanni. Turris Sanctis Johannis, which at 25 metres high could be seen throughout the land, still dominates the town and the valley of Ussita; it is certainly the most interesting structure in the town, as it was already standing under the dominance of the Longobards around the year 1000. Pieces dating from the 16th Century are on one side of the tower, others came to light in the keep during recent excavations.

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