Guide DocArtis

Torre del Parco

Località Torre del Parco

Il nome proviene dalla corruzione di “varco” (per la funzione di controllo sul ponte) in “barco”, poi in “parco”. Fu chiamata anche Torre del ponte, ed ebbe qualche funzionalità anche durante l’ultima guerra. Lo stemma dei Da Varano è tuttora murato in alto sul lato di tramontana.

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Torre del Parco, tower
The name comes from a corruption of ‘varco’ or crossing (as it was used to control the bridge ), then ‘barco’, finally in ‘parco’. It was also known as Torre del Ponte. Giovanni Da Varano, who built it as one of the pivots of the ‘Intagliata’, called it ‘Salvum me fac’. The Da Varano family’s coat of arms can still be seen high up on the brick wall, North side. It was later purchased by the Pallotta family of Caldarola, who acquired the title of counts of Torre del Parco. Registered later as a country house, the old residence still shows, beneath its arches, a terracotta frieze depicting a deer hunt.