Teatro Filippo Marchetti

Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 17
Tel.: 0737 634754 – 0737 636041
e mail: servizio.cultura@camerino.sinp.net

Il Teatro Filippo Marchetti fu aperto al pubblico nel 1856 ed intitolato al compositore Marchetti (1832-1901), nativo di Bolognola, nel 1881.

ulteriori informazioni                         consulta la mappa

Theater Filippo Marchetti
The theatre, Teatro Filippo Marchetti, was built  in an area which was once occupied by a theatre, ‘La Fenice’ (1728), and the Jewish quarter.  Opened to the public in 1856, it was dedicated to the composer, Marchetti (1832-1901), who was born in Bolognola,1881.